Mar News Bits 1: Interviews, Arnaud Desplechin, Nicholas Braun, Pomplamoose, Blue Jasmine House, and More

News Bits! Our (usually) twice monthly round up of Woody Allen bits from around the web. This is the 87th edition!


A new Woody Allen book came out this month. Actually, it’s a revised edition of Woody Allen: Interviews. First published in 2006, the new edition includes interviews from the last several years, bringing the anthology up to date. We’ve bought the Kindle version and enjoyed it very much. You can get it now on Amazon UK or Amazon US.


French director Arnaud Desplechin is in the US promoting his new film My Golden Days. In a new interview with Metro, he discussed his love of Allen, and one of his new films in particular.

Are there other filmmakers you think are underrated?
Woody Allen. For years, decades he was underestimated. Film buffs are often half-and-half with him. But what he achieved with 12 films in 12 years between the ’80s and ’90s was just amazing — films like “Another Woman,” “Crimes and Misdemeanors,” “Zelig.” Some American critics are reluctant to like him — they think he’s too New York, too Caucasian, too whatever. Now we can see people really taking him seriously. Ten years ago I felt lonely when I was discussing Woody Allen with American critics.

Even some of his films from the last 20 years are very interesting.
I love “Deconstructing Harry.” “Magic in the Moonlight” is a good film. “Blue Jasmine” — I know American critics loved it because of the performances, which are stunning. But I saw it again on TV a few weeks and [shrugs]. “Magic in the Moonlight” was better.


Nicholas Braun is starring in the new comedy How To Be Single. In a new interview with Backstage, he lists a bunch of directors he wishes to work with.

There are a lot of directors that I dream of working with: Spike Jonze and Ang Lee and Woody Allen.

Indie rock band Pomplamoose paid (an odd) tribute to Allen this week. They matched him with Twilight.


The house from Blue Jasmine is up for sale. It costs $5million – almost as much as the film. New York Post has more.

PPCorn did a look at various things you might not have known about Woody Allen. Some cool trivia from Annie Hall, Manhattan and more.

Vanity Fair Spain looked at 16 apartments used in Woody Allen’s films. From the outrageous Parliament View in Match Point to the futuristic homes in Sleeper.


Scoop is Allen’s worse scoring film on Rotten Tomatoes. Monkey Goose Mag took another look at it. (Note: We love it)

Films In Films highlighted another Woody Allen film. This time it’s Small Time Crooks, which featured Raoul Walsh’s White Heat.

A great still from Love And Death, one we’ve not seen before.

Annie Hall fan poster

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