A Rainy Day In New York is the 48th film written and directed by Woody Allen, first released in 2019.
TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET stars as Gatsby Welles, a college student who takes his girlfriend Ashleigh Enright, played by ELLE FANNING, to New York for a day trip. They hit the big city as it starts to rain, and the as the pair separate the weather is only the start of their troubles.
After around a decade away, Allen returns to present day New York with the youngest leading cast he’s ever assembled. It’s a series of sketches with some fun scenes, and sees Allen do once again for New York what he spent the last decade and a half doing for Europe – make it look romantic and wonderful. It’s also his funniest film in years.
Welcome to the Woody Allen Pages Podcast, by me, the creator of the Woody Allen Pages website. This week, episode 9, we look at 2019’s A RAINY DAY IN NEW YORK. We look at how the film was made and it’s eventual roll out around the world. Spoilers are everywhere so watch the film first, then come back.
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This movie improves every time I watch it. It now feels like a top five Allen movie for me. Though I still haven’t figured out what movie they’re referring to when they talk about two lovers meeting at Grand Central Station, “like in that movie.” Perhaps you know the answer to this?
I believe the film is The Clock (1945) starring Judy Garland & Robert Walker.
Great to see The Maestro back in The Big Apple with this picture. Woody and the whole team did a fine job, especially Elle Fanning. Even as a young child, she was great in The Door In The Floor.
This is a terrific episode! I loved it. It discusses ARDINY with real knowledge and insight. It’s great to look at Woody’s films through someone else’s eyes. It encourages you to re-visit the movies and re-evaluate your opinions of them. ARDINY might seem a slight and meandering work but as with many of Woody’s films, subsequent viewings reveal hidden depths and meaning. At its best this podcast series teases out those familiar, endlessly enjoyable themes. At its simplest, it’s just fun to spend time with someone who shares a love of Woody Allen’s work.
The script of ARDINY is full of sharp dialogue and superb one-liners, although I feel some of the central ideas seem a little under developed and not fully realised. I felt this with his latest, Rifkin’s Festival, too. Is this just an inevitable effect of age on his writing skills, do you think, or is Woody perhaps more content now to take a lighter, slightly less forensic and intense look at life? Has Woody become a little more laid-back?
Do you think the next woody Allen film will be shot in august or later we haven’t heard much on the news front and if it is delayed do you think the reason is COVID-19 or some other reason possibly the bullshit documentary or some budgetary reasons.
It’s all COVID. I’ve heard everything is set but COVID restrictions for Paris go up and down.
Would you consider having guest who have been in woody Allen films or have worked with woody or possibly interviewing woody himself and would you be able to get in contact with any of these people because that would make for a great podcast.
Possibly – depends on time. Interviewing Woody himself would be difficult. I would have no idea what to ask.
Your podcast is brilliant for a number of reasons. Firstly is your order of selection in the films. Your independent mind means you do not follow trends in what is preferred among Allen’s films, and your selection is thus original and, incidentally, one with which I, for one, happen to agree. Secondly, you show no interest, as a film critic ought, in his personal life and review the films on their merit, of which there is plenty.
One of the most common and most annoying errors in reviewing Allen’s films is that the majority of critics approach them as though they were episodes in a series. This could not be further from the truth. These are separate, individual works of art of varying circumstances, casts, subject matters, etc, where one may indulge the exercise of finding common grounds and shared themes. But it is absolutely irregular, reductive and plain silly to review each and every one of his films in light of how much better or worse it is than the last one, and often they talk about it being worse.
I am glad you do not do that….. You only statistically compare them, which is nice, you had those points brilliantly stated in your “10 things to know about (film title)’ and that is always fun for those who enjoy Allen’s work. That aside, I appreciate your recognizing each film for its own self and being. There is no clearer evidence of that than your reviewing A Rainy Day in New York (I forwarded the link to the podcast to Timothee Chalamet on Instagram (I do not know him, but I believe he ought to listen to it, and hope he does. An actor ought to recognize art for itself and not to readily ascribe to popular judgment of certain people or situations thinking it would grant career success.) I loved this film and I own it on Blu Ray… it is visually pleasing and has many sumptuous elements (I watched it as I was cooped up in Upstate New York, missing my Home City, that I was gloriously enjoying through the film……
I thank you again for all, and look forward to your review of Rifkin’s Festival (I do not particularly like Anny Hall, and my favorite is Husbands and Wives….:))
Great point about the seemingly random ordering of the films’ podcasts. It encourages each to be viewed as its own, separate entity, as it should be.