Episode 8 – Annie Hall (1977)

The Woody Allen Pages Podcast
The Woody Allen Pages Podcast
Episode 8 - Annie Hall (1977)

ANNIE HALL is the 6th film written and directed by Woody Allen, first released in 1977.

Woody Allen stars as Alvy Singer. He has broken up with Annie, played by DIANE KEATON, and he’s looking back on his whole life to see if he can figure out how he got here.

What do you say about ANNIE HALL? It’s been over analysed to death. Every frame has been considered. Every scene has been parodied. Every line has been printed on a t-shirt. But hey, lets talk about one of the greatest films ever made one more time.

Welcome to the Woody Allen Pages Podcast, from me the creator of the Woody Allen Pages website. This week, episode eight, we look at 1977’s ANNIE HALL – where it started, how it was made and how it changed everything for Woody Allen. Of course spoilers are everywhere – so go watch the film first.

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  1. Who do you think will appear in the next woody Allen film in Paris and what do you think it will be about.

  2. Yes this is one of Woody’s many many masterpieces. As a film, Annie Hall was a watershed moment in Woody’s career that really set the groundwork for the second and third acts of his career. Annie Hall solidified Woody’s status as an international sex symbol in the eyes of millions of beautiful women all over the world. This single film set the new paradigm, or template if you will, of what the ideal romantic comedy could be and should be. Over the years, many comedians have made a good living emulating the Ally Singer character. Additionally, I’ve always enjoyed Woody’s work with Marshall Brickman. Marshall is a remarkable writer and he seems like a great guy as well. There are several great videos of him on YouTube. Back in the day he looked like a young Chevy Chase. I always enjoy Marshall’s interview segments when rewatching Robert Weide’s documentary on Woody. Placed beside Marshall, off to right, there appears to be some sort of a flaccid but still functionable, knobbish, door knocker, phallic looking object placed boldly right on the counter. It’s a sly gesture that suggests Sigmund Freud’s cheeky sense of humor is right there on full display!!! VOILA!!! To me it represents sheepishness in a world of potential!!!!

    GO WOODY!!!

  3. Yes, it is still a masterpiece. And your podcast fully does it justice. This film, I feel, is the reason that many people still confuse Woody with the characters he plays. This film seemed so close to real life, but also, Alvy addresses the audience directly! And this gives the strong impression that it is Woody Allen (rather than Alvy Singer) who is speaking. That direct-to-camera technique personalised everything and Woody still gets “mistaken for” his characters to this day.

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