You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger


You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger‘ is the 40th film written and directed by Woody Allen.

Woody Allen returns to London for this sprawling morality tale. With a big star cast, he explores one of his oldest themes, that whatever delusion you can use to get through life makes you happy – or that ignorance is bliss. Playing out over the lives of several Londoners, we see look at those who lie to themselves and where it leads them.

The ensemble cast includes Josh Brolin, Anthony Hopkins, Gemma Jones and Naomi Watts as members of the same family who each go on their own journey. Brolin and Watts are in a loveless marriage who lead separate secret lives and affairs. Hopkins and Jones are divorced and deal with the prospect of old age alone in different ways. Jones has the core journey of the film, as she finds happiness in fortune tellers and the occult.

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  • Nicole Kidman was initially cast in the role that was played by Lucy Punch. Carice van Houten was also considered for the role.
  • It’s Josh Brolin‘s second Allen film, the first being Melinda And Melinda.

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