Prose books by Woody Allen
Getting Even (1971)
Without Feathers (1975)
Side Effects (1980)
Mere Anarchy (2007)
Apropos Of Nothing (2020)
Zero Gravity (2022)
The Complete Prose (1991)
Plays and theatre collections
Three One-Act Plays: Riverside Drive, Old Saybrook, Central Park West (2003)
Books about Woody Allen
Start To Finish: Woody Allen and the Art of Moviemaking
by Eric Lax (2017)
Conversations with Woody Allen: His Films, the Movies, and Movie Making
by Eric Lax (2009)
Woody Allen: A Biography
by Eric Lax (2000)
You can 3 books about but supervised by Woody Allen:
* Dread & Superficiality: Woody Allen as Comic Strip (Stuart Hample, 2009, comics strips from 1976 to 1984, http://www.abramsbooks.com/books/dread_and_superficiality-9780810957428.html), some of the strips written by Woody Allen hilmself.
* Woody Allen on Woody Allen (Stig Björkman, 1993 & 2005, http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55369.Woody_Allen_on_Woody_Allen) read and supervised by Woody Allen.
* Woody Allen: A Life in Film (Richard Schickel, 2003, http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-1-56663-528-8) based on the 2002 eponymous film + other conversations between Schickel and Allen made in 2003 for a documentary about Charlie Chaplin.
Hey Yvves. Again, this section needs some work and maybe some splitting out – written works, plays, official books about Allen etc. I need to work out a good format.
(Also, embarrassingly, I’ve never read those three books. I’ve been looking half heartedly for a few years, but I really should make a real effort to hunt them down)
British publisher Palgrave McMillan has a new scholarly collection on Woody Allen’s films called “Referentiality and the Films of Woody Allen.” http://www.palgrave.com/cn/book/9781137515469
I enjoyed the book Side Effects. I would like to share my book with Mr. Allen. It is titled Life Seemed Good, But…. and is humor. Is this possible?
You can now add Zero Gravity (not yet translated in French
I can’t wait !!)