New Woody Allen play ‘Brooklyn Story’ premieres in Budapest in October

Woody Allen has a new play which is set to premiere later this year. The world premiere will take place in Budapest, Hungary in October.

The play is called Brooklyn Story, and was written by Allen during the pandemic.  It tells the story of a gangster and his family as they come into possession of a stolen Raphael. They have to deal with people looking for the painting, from authorities to the mob. The story looks at the role of art, and if art can make people better?

It’s being staged by Orlai Productions. The main cast includes Máté Mészáros, Zsuzsa Járó, Judit Cseh, Milán Schruff, Lili László, Dominika Panna Bíró, Barnabás Rohonyi, Barnabás Dékány, Martin Mészáros, and Béla Ficzere. The production is directed by Máté Szabó, with the Hungarian text by Gergely Zöldi, set design by Csörsz Khell, and costumes by Györgyi Szakács.

The premiere takes place at the Belvárosi Színház on October 4. The opening night is already sold out, but other dates in October are on sale.

Here’s the poster.

It’s a massive coup for the Budapest arts scene to have scored the premiere of a new Woody Allen play. Allen’s been doing a lot of stage work in recent years, including staging an opera in Italy, and the Bullets Over Broadway musical. He contributed an act to a anthology called Relatively Speaking in 2011, but it’s actually all the way back to 2004 and A Second Hand Memory since Allen has written a full length play.

It’s great to see that a play is done and ready to go. Hopefully it will play in plenty more places around the world.

Here’s a trailer.

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  1. Nice post!! In recent years I’ve missed taking my annual Friday vacation day from work to go see Woody’s new picture every year on the big screen!!! Times are changing. Hopefully Woody is fairly involved in this production. Anyway, it’s good to see the man’s work continue.

    GO WOODY!!!!

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