Wonder Wheel, the latest film written and directed by Woody Allen, has a release date set for Japan. As usual, it seems the Japanese release follows almost a year after the US release. As usual, it will be the last major territory in the world for the film to be released.
The film is set for 23rd June. There is a new Japanese poster that keeps the look and feel of the incredible US poster. You can also see more on the Japanese website. I always love the look of these Japanese websites, they have such bold designs.
Fans Voice in Japan is also running a special competition for a fan screening on 12th June. They also have a display for the costumes at a mall – which seems to be a thing now?
Here’s Japanese trailer.
In most other parts of the world, Wonder Wheel is out on DVD, Blu Ray and home formats.
1 Comment
And what a wonderful film this is.