We patiently wait for more details on Wonder Wheel, the newest film written and directed by Woody Allen. The film is due to premiere next month at the New York Film festival. We’ve seen photos of the leads Kate Winslet and Justin Timberlake, but we now have our first official look at two of the supporting cast – Tony Sirico and Steve Schirripa. Yahoo had the exclusive.
The pair have a lot of history together, as comrades in The Sopranos. If you’re a fan of that show like us, it’s a bit of a thrill to see them together. This is Sirico’s 7th time working with Allen (which brings his equal to Diane Keaton!) and Schirripa’s first.
Little is known about their characters, but it seems likely they are are gangsters. They are at Coney Island, when the film is set. That awesome vintage car shows the 50s time period.
Yahoo, interestingly, also lists Debi Mazar as a supporting cast member, which is new information.
Wonder Wheel closes the New York Film Festival on 14th October. The festival begins in less than four weeks, so we expect a lot more information very soon.