Help Us Rank All 46 Woody Allen Films

Woody Allen has made 46 films and there’s been mountains written about which ones are the best, and which ones are the worst. Over the years, talking to fans, it seems as though the critical consensus is very different from the readers of this site, and most Woody Allen fans.

Hidden gems that no one saw, but those who did loved. Or films that were popular and well regarded that are looked down on by fans. Critics favourites aren’t necessarily fan favourites either.

So we wanted to have a go at sorting it out, with one mega poll. All you have to do is tell us what you think about all 46 Woody Allen films to date. There’s three pages to go through, but it doesn’t take long.

For those who like these things, here’s how the maths will work.

+3 Best
+2 Love
+1 Like
0 Not seen/whatevs
-1 Don’t like
-2 Hate
-3 Worst

If there’s a tie, it comes down to the number of Best votes, then Worst votes, then Love votes and down the line.

There is room to leave your comments again each film. Feel free to do so and i will use them in the article announcing the results. Voting will close at the end of 24th March and results published by the end of March.

If that’s a long time to wait for the results, then i will be tweeting out the odd update without trying to give anything away. The more fans vote the better it will be so please help us spread the word if you can.

What will be first? What will be last? We will find out!

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  1. Whatever Works gets seriously overlooked. I think it’s Woody’s best comedy – after the shock wears off : (gee, Boris is a grump). His only mis-step might be Tall Dark Stranger, but I have forgiven him.

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