Hannah And Her Sisters, the acclaimed 1986 film written and directed by Woody Allen, was given the live read treatment. Directed by Olivia Wilde, she assembled an amazing cast – Rose Byrne, Bobby Cannavale, Justin Long, Maya Rudolph, Salmon Rushdie, Michael Sheen, Jason Sudeikis, Uma Thurman and Wilde herself. Musical accompaniment was supplied by Questlove, and Stephen DeRosa narrated. The event took place at the TimesCenter in New York on 13th May 2016.
The Guardian gave it four stars, and a review.
The effect was somewhat like a radio play, particularly as the actors, most dressed in black or grey, sometimes seemed to disappear into the shadows. A narrator read the stage directions, but much of the work in conjuring up the scenes had to be done by the audience – which meant the stills from the film projected periodically on the back wall broke the spell a bit, as did the actors’ laughter at each other’s line readings.
Read more at the Guardian.
Daily Mail had lots of pics as well, with some behind the scenes.
And there was a fair bit on Instagram.
Doin' it. Uma Olivia Rose Michael me. #HannahAndHerSistersLiveRead pic.twitter.com/fEQUW8tDsx
— Salman Rushdie (@SalmanRushdie) May 14, 2016