Following on from the Café Society poster, we now have the first (and usually only) trailer for the new film written and directed by Woody Allen. With a Mars Distribution logo and French subtitles, it is here to promote the French release of the film on 11th May, the first territory where the film will open.
We learn so much. We first learnt that this story would be about a family, and it looks like that big cast was more connected than we thought. Steve Carell‘s named Phil and his sister is Jeannie Berlin plays Rose, who is married to Ken Stott. Their son is Bobby, played by Jesse Eisenberg, and Vonnie (Kristen Stewart) is Carell’s assistant. Corey Stoll is Bobby’s brother Ben. We also see Anna Camp and Blake Lively, Parker Posey and Paul Schnieder.
It also looks far more glamorous than we imagined. It looks like a Wes Anderson film. Vittorio Storaro, the cinematographer, seems to have played a big role in the film. There’s references to actors and old Hollywood, gangsters and more.
More as it develops!
I wonder if the pool party house with the Oscar-winning screenwriter is the Rossetti Residence, designed by Paul Revere Williams, in Los Feliz. The address is 2188 Ponet Drive, Los Angeles, CA.
Cafe Society looks great! Just be careful with any spoilers–please warn us, your loyal readers, well ahead of time!
Things that make life worth living: the debut of the newest Woody Allen film trailer (especially on a day when we lost another talented artist).
Hey CK. Yeah I will definitely be careful with spoilers! And yeah, poor Prince.
The Italianate villa with a fountain in front of the main entrance at whose gate Bobby and Vonnie are standing in the trailer is a house located at 918 North Roxbury Drive, Beverly Hills, CA.
Dinora, you are awesome. Are you in LA? That first one is a mystery – more mysterious in that Carell didn’t do much filming in LA because of the Bruce Willis thing.
Yes, I’m from LA! Though I’m currently out of town. I knew I saw those houses somewhere so it wasn’t difficult to track them down. You checked the Rossetti Residence? The first house that appears in the trailer is also familiar to me. I hope I’ll track it down soon. Then there’s the house that appears around 00:14 and 00:55 (I think it’s the same one). I have no idea where that is. On the garage door you can see the numbers 1938, 1940, 1942, and 1942B, I think? Perhaps that might help?
Found it. 1939 North Kenmore.