The concentrated publicity blitz of Magic In the Moonlight, the new film written and directed by Woody Allen, continues. Following on from this morning, ‘Magic…‘ star Emma Stone appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman. The New York Post also ran a short, fresh interview with Allen.
Stone on Letterman was as charming as you’d expect.
Here’s three clips from the appearance.
Stone on Colin Firth
Emma Stone’s Supernatural Encounters
Dave tells Emma Stone About His Metaphysical Encounter
Stone’s co-star Colin Firth will be the guest tomorrow night.
Here’s a pic of her arriving at the show.
In new New York Post interview, Allen talks about his writing process.
Hard is working up the new ideas. The early part, planning, takes months. Like, will that mesh? How’s this fit? Can I go from one action to the other? I pace the streets, walk up and down in my room, stand alone, think, make tough decisions. It’s difficult.
Writing’s easy. Three weeks. Laying on my bed in the bedroom, I write with a ballpoint pen on a yellow legal pad. Then it’s typed.
Allen then talks a little about choosing locations and keeping silent on new projects.
Stone and Firth also taped an appearance on Charlie Rose. We are not sure when it will air. Stone will also appear on tomorrow’s The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Surprisingly, we’ve heard word that Allen himself will appear, although we find it unlikely.
The red carpet premiere of ‘Magic In the Moonlight‘ will happen tonight, 17th July. It is released in selected cities on 25th July.
1 Comment
:o( Looks like Woody Alumni Elaine Stritch has passed. She was great in September and Small Time Crooks! RIP