Our twice monthly round up of Woody Allen bits from around the web. We are talking Sophie Lellouche stalking Allen, his love of the Knicks, Tiffani Theissen, Star Wars and more.

Sophie Lellouche has done an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald, revealing how she managed to get Woody Allen to appear in her debut film, Paris Manhattan.
If Woody Allen had said no, I’d have had to forget it. I would have even stopped thinking about becoming a director. So it was very important to me that he would say yes.
It all started by approaching the director through his favourite Paris hotel.
Every Christmas holidays he’s in Paris at the Ritz. So I gave the script to the concierge.
The full story, including going to to his jazz concerts and the final confirmation, and how much time Allen spent on set, can be found in at SMH.
Knicks Now website has paid tribute to some of their celebrity fans. Woody Allen is of course on the list, along with many other famous musicians and film folks. He is placed at number 2, pipped by fellow director Spike Lee.

Sofia Vergara is starring in the new film Fading Gigolo, written and directed by John Turturro and starring Woody Allen. We’ve been covering it over the year, and now Vergara has talked about her ranchy scene with Sharon Stone, with Fox News.
It was a threesome scene that we were doing, which I was a little nervous about. She completely helped me with it. (She gave me) a lot of tips and secrets.
More with Vergara over at Fox News.
Tiffani Thiessen appeared in the blog Me In My Place. The photoblog asked her some questions as well, including what the strangest audition she ever had. Her response was Woody Allen, when she appeared in Hollywood Ending.
It was strange but very cool. He flew the auditioning actresses to NY, I had no idea what I was auditioning for, which I’ve been told is the norm. With him you don’t get a script, sometimes you might get an idea of the role you might be up for. So 30 mins before I walked into the room to audition with him (and we had never met), they gave me sides to read. I also didn’t know what “Hollywood Ending” was about at that time, so the whole time I auditioned, his eyes were closed!
The Projection Booth recently chose Love And Death, Allen’s 1975 classic comedy, to review in their podcast. It’s a very insightful half hour listen, and includes a great wider conversation about Allen’s career.
‘Touch‘ is a new film by Shelly Silver, described as an experimental portrait of Manhattan’s Chinatown. As the Hollywood Reporter tells us, Woody Allen and Larry David both appear in unofficial cameos, as part of filming Whatever Works. Hollywood Reporter has a review if Touch.
Artist Amy McCarthey is selling a sketch of Woody Allen. Check it out on ispyart.com
The Last Picture Show Podcast has another You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger review from Australia. They gave it 3 stars:
Almost everything works in ‘You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger‘; the acting is superb (as expected from such high name characters) and the cinematography from Vilmos Zsigmond (who worked with Allen on Cassandra’s Dream) is stylish. Where the film fails is in its painfully prosaic (especially to those familiar with Allen’s body of work) storyline; each of the characters will soon seek love elsewhere, and the resolve will soon come around with the characters facing the usual emotions and challenges.
More at The Last Picture Show Podcast.
What Culture blog has listed 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Woody Allen. It’s a nice primer to Woody Allen’s other faces, including his music, his stand up and his favourite films, both his own and by others.
Paleolibrarian has listed some of Allen’s best witty comments in Atheism.

Electro-pop artist Charli XCX was acked by Pitchfork about the last great film she saw. She chose Woody Allen: A Docuemntary.
It was completely hilarious, and so romantic. He is basically my dream man, and his films are perfect. I know his romantic history is messy but I don’t mind. I like funny guys– and old guys, too. Watching it was like watching the best porno.
And now for some funnies:
Instagram user nayensays posted this great little pic.
IGN has a couple of Star Wars Episode VII posters from other directors, including Woody Allen. Check out others for films by Judd Apatow, Quentin Tarantino, Danny Boyle, Tim Burton and Martin Scorsese.