August News Bits 1: Annie Hall Fashion, Julie Delpy, Filmaking Tips, Amsterdam, Political Films, Gangster Films, PopArt Woody, The Other Top 10…

News Bits from around the web. Usually monthly but with so much going on, we thought we’d do a mid-month update.

Meets Obsession, a fashion blog, has picked Annie Hall to feature in it’s Icon Archives series. They discuss a bit about Annie Hall’s fashion and style, including it’s influence on Marc Jacobs.

Talenthouse has collected together some tips from Allen for aspiring filmmakers. The key it seems is to ‘Keep Doing Your Own Thing’.

Amsterdam is the latest city to have their press consider raising money to bring Woody Allen to their city.

ABC and Yahoo News did a little video about the best political films, inspired by ‘The Campaign‘, the new Will Ferrell (who starred in Melinda And Melinda) and Zach Galifinakis film. They’ve picked Woody Allen’s Bananas as one of their Top 10. Also included in the list are classics such as ‘Dr Strangelove‘ and newer films such as ‘In The Loop‘.

Watch the video over at Yahoo.

A portrait of Woody Allen in the spirit of Lichtenstein Pop Art have been created by graphic design team Craig & Karl. The series was designed for a joint exhibition in Ferrara and Milan. Along with Allen, there’s other diverse famous figures, from Valentino, Lady Gaga, Sophia Loren and Kanye West.

Fast CoDesign has the full story including the artwork.

California Literary Review has been previewing chapters from ‘The Ultimate Book Of Gangster Movies‘. They recently highlighted number 64 – Bullets Over Broadway. It’s a great in-depth look at the film, and you can also explore others on the list.

Julie Delpy‘s new film, ‘2 Days In New York‘, has been getting great reviews as well comparisons to Woody Allen. Predictably, the press have been asking her about Allen, and she reveals that she is working up the courage to ask Allen to star in her next film. Indiewire has a good write up.

Finally, this week saw Woody Allen reveal his Top 10 films for Sight & Sound and critic and friend Judith Crist passed away. BiblioKlept has dug up a wonderful Woody Allen piece from New York Magazine from 3rd August 1970, which combines the two.

Judith Crist, a friend of Woody’s and then film critic for New York Magazine, asked Allen to write about his Top 10 films. Allen, as he did in the 70s, decided to have some fun with it. Click on the images above and enjoy!

With so much going on, we’ll probably do a News Bits at the end of the month.

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