In recent weeks, a number of cool stuff around the web has focussed on the locations used in Woody Allen films – in particular Rome and New York. We’ve collected them here for those who want to enjoy these cities through the eyes – and films – of Woody Allen.
Jaunted, a pop culture travel guide, has collected three must-see locations from To Rome With Love.

SUNMExico, the Mexican distributor of To Rome With Love has done a great job on their Facebook page. Amongst the cool things they’ve done, they’ve made a full colour map of the locations in …Rome. Click on the above to enlarge.
New York

Map2App is a program that allows users to create map based apps. User Agostina Toscano has created an Map App that covers Woody Allen’s New York. Unfortunately it’s for Android only (so we can’t try it), but hopefully an iOS version will be released soon.

Finally, and most wonderfully, is Scouting NY. The site is all about New York City, and has devoted a two part post to dissecting every scene of Annie Hall. Part 1 is up now – covering the cinema where Alvy meets Annie, the tennis court, the scary drive and much more.
with part 2 to follow next week. It’s meticulously detailed and a treat to read. Great work – and hey, there are plenty more New York movies to dissect!
Allen has always been a director that has been drawn to stunning locations. A complete world map of all locations from all movies would be stunning. Anyone want to make this happen?